AI in Journalism: Fact-Checking vs Bias Detection

August 20, 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way journalists work. Journalism is a field that demands accuracy, neutrality, and fair representation of news. These qualities have been challenged in recent times owing to the explosion of social media and the ease of sharing news reports. The internet is inundated with news stories that are inaccurate, fake, or biased. Consequently, journalists are now leveraging AI to help them improve fact-checking and bias detection, two critical components of journalism. In this blog post, we will compare fact-checking vs bias detection using AI and explore their effectiveness.


Fact-checking is a process that involves verifying the accuracy of a particular story, statement, or claim. The use of AI in fact-checking has increased in recent years. Tools like Full Fact, Veracity AI, and Factmata use AI algorithms to identify claims that need to be fact-checked. These algorithms work by searching millions of web pages, blogs, and social media platforms to identify information related to a particular story. They then use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to verify whether the information is accurate.

AI in fact-checking is effective in identifying false claims on social media platforms. Researchers have shown that AI can identify lies on Twitter with an accuracy of 77%. Additionally, AI-based fact-checking tools can analyze news articles to identify claims that are misleading or require fact-checking. These tools are efficient in processing vast amounts of information in a short time, a task that would be impossible for humans.

Bias Detection

Bias detection involves identifying news articles that present a particular perspective or promote an agenda. AI in bias detection works by analyzing the tone, sentiment, and word choice of a news article. These algorithms can identify articles that are likely to present a particular perspective or opinion. AI can also help identify subtle forms of bias that would be difficult for humans to recognize. AI in bias detection tools scan tens of thousands of articles to identify recurring patterns in language usage that indicate particular biases.

The effectiveness of AI in bias detection has been criticized by some who argue that AI cannot be entirely objective. Additionally, it is difficult to state the exact level of accuracy of AI-based bias detection since what constitutes bias in journalism is itself a subject of debate.


Fact-checking using AI is generally more effective than bias detection. This is because fact-checking has a more objective standard since it involves verifying the accuracy of particular statements. On the other hand, bias detection can be subjective since it involves identifying recurring patterns in language usage. However, both fact-checking and bias detection are valuable tools in ensuring that journalism is objective and accurate.


AI has the potential to transform the field of journalism by improving its accuracy and objectivity. Fact-checking and bias detection are two critical components of journalism that AI can help improve. While there are limits to the effectiveness of AI in detecting bias, the technology has proven to be a valuable tool in fact-checking news stories, particularly on social media platforms. Overall, AI in journalism is still in its early stages, but it has already shown considerable promise in improving the accuracy and objectivity of news reporting.


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